Every day in Papua New Guinea, more than 100,000 women, men, youth and children sift through alluvial (streambed and surface) deposits to mine for gold.
The government of Papua New Guinea (PNG) sanctions, encourages, and benefits from the taxable income of these small-scale alluvial mining operations, which produce upward of 300 million kina in export levies as revenue to the Government annually.
There is evidence of many remote Districts in Papua New Guinea that are economically supported by the Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining Sector.
Some of the rural Districts that are economically empowered by this industry are Wau/Bulolo, Maprik, Samarai-Murua and Kainantu Districts. The evidence of this economic aspect of the sector presents itself in the revenue generated through gold export levies.
Although there is economic potential in this sector, many successful governments have given little attention to the sector in terms of financial and technical assistance. On the policy aspect of the sector, no specific legal framework or regulations in place to protect small-scale and grassroots miners, including women and children, from the dangers of this mining practice, including mercury poisoning and child labor.​

Whilst in the process of advocating for policy inclusion to effectively regulate the small-scale mining industry, there can be programs rolled out in small scale mining communities and districts around the country to reinforce the idea that this sector can be an economic driver for rural development to give that needed confidence to the government to revisit existing mining laws that can incorporate the ASGM industry.

Creating wealth in the small scale mining industry by delivering better and tailored services to clients (SMEs, entrepreneurs Local Governments, etc), hence creating an avenue conducive for all to participate in business/economic activities.

Conducting capacity building programs/ and or empowerment programs targeted to women/girls and children in the industry with continuous improvement and awareness in important social issues including gender equality.

The Artisanal Small-scale Mining Sector is a sector that is inadequately understood by many people, entrepreneurs, researchers, public servants, responsible organizations including successive governments, thus we provide the general information on everything regarding the sector.

Artisanal and small scale gold mining supports hundreds of thousands of rural people. It is believed to provide a livelihood for over 100 thousand people, almost all of whom live in remote rural areas of the country. ASGM incorporates both formal and informal activities where the latter is widespread throughout the country and is commonly referred to as “illegal mining” thus the sector needs to be formalized. ASGM plays a key role in mineral economy, where it is estimated to contribute one-third of less-fuel mineral output. ASGM is pivotal in alleviating poverty and improving living standards through increase in community capital, diversifying local economy in rural areas basically because it is viable in areas with minimal to no infrastructure where other sector cannot function.
SAMS is a nationally owned company providing alluvial mining services throughout Papua New Guinea.