SAMS offers Sustainable Solutions in Artisanal and Small Scale Mining industry of Papua New Guinea.
SAMS was established to meet the needs of many small scale miners throughout the country in the area of technical, environmental and legal assistance and general sustainability in the industry.

SAMS provides a wide range of services in the alluvial mining sector.
Building alluvial mining equipment.
Designing Mine plans
Setting up Mechanized Small Scale Mining operations
Conducts geological sampling and reserve estimations
Boundary Surveys
Technical advice and Assistance
Training in all aspects of Small Scale Mining
Developing Mining Proposals (PFD) according to Statutory requirements
Mobilizing and organizing miners to form associations.
Setting up Provincial and District Alluvial Mining Desks.
Sustainable Mining Advisory Services in Policy and Technical areas
Establishing International Supply Chains and other Initiatives
SAMS is able to conduct research in all aspects of ASGM. We have had one or two engagement by international organizations to conduct research in the ASGM sector in PNG.
We have private consultants who can provide advice to miners on how to invest their money in other business activities. These service is payed directly to the individual concerned.
ASGM Institutionalization
We provide expertise and guidance on the institutionalization of the sector be it at the community, Local Level Government, District or Provincial and National Levels.
ASGM Technical and Capacity Building Programs/Projects
We are able to design programs and projects in the sector specific to the client’s needs, the geological location and location specific. Most of our programs and projects will be tailored to the needs of clients.
ASGM Sustainable Development Programs
ASGM Sustainable Development Programs
We provide Sustainable Development Solutions in remote and rural communities were our programs and projects are located.